Bruno T
Bruno T
Hi, I'm Bruno Tavares, and I'm working on building p2p projects in Rust - so it can be used on mobil
Hi, I'm Bruno Tavares, and I'm working on building p2p projects in Rust - so it can be used on mobile, desktop, server and even routers!
I weekly stream my efforts to build the Rust port of Hypercore Protocol, Sundays 10am GMT-03.
Check out the featured projects and repos to learn more about the p2p projects I'm working on and following :smile:
- bltavares/colmeia: Hive (in portuguese). Attempt to make an interop layer to connect to dat on hyperswarm in Rust.
- datrs/hypercore: Secure, distributed, append-only log.
- bltavares/p2p-links: A set of links for projects that I keep track of on the peer-to-peer space.
And please, contribute with those projects as well!
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bltavares entrou há 5 anos.