

Let us seek our truths in the symbols.

optimisticDuelist tem 0 patronos.


I'm a pop culture analyst. My aim is to provide you with easy to follow explorations of Philosophy, Mythology, Psychology and Symbolism in all sorts of storytelling.

My current focus is on acclaimed webcomic Homestuck, as well as spin-off videogame Hiveswap. However, content on topics as varied as Revolutionary Girl Utena, Persona 5, The Neverending Story and more can be expected to surface here sooner or later.

All of my content is available for free, with no ads. You can support my endeavors here or on Patreon. If you do so here, send me an email at <> to get access to my Discord server.

Thanks for reading this. I love you. And whatever you do, remember: Keep Rising.

Contas vinculadas

optimisticDuelist está presente nas seguintes plataformas:


optimisticDuelist entrou há 6 anos.

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