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FKDevs está presente nas seguintes plataformas:


QRSHOP Favoritos 0 Atualizado há há 8 meses

Shop smarter with our innovative shop management app! With our app, you can easily create unique QR code

TravelApp Favoritos 0 Atualizado há há 10 meses

LanguageCommunicationApp Favoritos 0 Atualizado há há 1 ano

Health-Care-Mobile-App Favoritos 1 Atualizado há há 1 ano

LiveSongRequest Favoritos 0 Atualizado há há 1 ano

Introducing our live request app - the perfect tool for engaging audiences and connecting hosts with their listeners. Our app allows users to join events and request songs, while giving hosts the ability to choose which songs to play. With our platform, users can quickly and easily join events and request their favorite songs. This helps to create


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