

SlugBot Dev.

O objetivo de Narcolept é receber £ 100,00 por semana.
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What is SlugBot?

SlugBot is a Discord and twitch chat bot that covers things like role assignment, moderation, stream notifications and more! It also comes with a unique expansive economy that allows for co-operation and stealing from other members.

Why should you support SlugBot?

I'm always working to make SlugBot bigger and better as well as constant maintenance as twitch and discord change and evolve. Hosting and developing also come with their own costs; the server periodically needs upgrading to support the growing slug and premium software helps with developing/maintaining.

It may be a pipe dream, but I would love to be able to make Slug Dev my full time job - any bit of support brings that dream a little closer to reality!

Contas vinculadas

Narcolept está presente nas seguintes plataformas:


Narcolept entrou há 3 anos.

Renda por semana (em Libra esterlina)

Número de doadores por semana

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