
Rachael Marie

Artist, freelancer, story teller.

O objetivo de SketchyRae é receber US$ 48,00 por semana.
Doar   PayPal


Hey-hey, I'm on Liberapay~! o><

Q: Why Liberapay when you already have a Ko-fi account?

A: I fancy the idea of having that passive income on a weekly basis for both me and my supporters' sake. Instead of tipping $12/month, $2/week somehow felt more reassuring. ♡

Q: Do I get a reward when I start tipping your Liberapay?

A: Yes, upon request. ✧ But, you'll have to wait until after a month of supporting in order to be eligible for rewards. 🙏🏻

Contas vinculadas

SketchyRae está presente nas seguintes plataformas:


SketchyRae entrou há 2 anos.

Renda por semana (em Dólar americano)

Número de doadores por semana

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