
Sophie Lagacé, aka Méchante Anémone

Role-playing game design; tabletop game, movie, and book reviews.

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I've loved geeky things in general, tabletop games in particular, and role-playing games in specific for as long as I can remember. I write as a freelancer for several tabletop game publishers, and I am the Fate Line Developer and project manager for Evil Hat Productions. I care passionately about social justice and hope to leave the world better than I found it when I die.

On my blog The Reef, I write most frequently about role-playing games, offering scenarios, play aids, optional rules, reviews, and actual play reports. I also talk about other nerdery like board games, movies, books, graphic novels, digital games, open source software, etc. Whenever I write a review, I give the reasons supporting my conclusions so readers can decide for themselves if this is for them.

You don't have to pay to read any of it, but I appreciate contributions and take them as encouragement to continue writing.

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