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xdg-credentials-portal Favoritos 328 Atualizado há há 6 meses

FIDO2 (WebAuthn) and FIDO U2F platform library for Linux written in Rust; includes a proposal for a new D-Bus Portal interface for FIDO2, accessible from Flatpak apps and Snaps 🔑

antilope Favoritos 3 Atualizado há há 4 anos

An attempt at a WebAuthn Roaming Authenticator for Android 🦙 This application is able to perform WebAuthn via CTAP/BLE, however a fundamental limitation in the Android BLE APIs means the application needs to be started manually before the authenticator can be used. Also, Chrome has dropped support for CTAP/BLE in favour of CTAP/caBLE (Cloud-Assisted BLE), mediated by their servers.


afresta entrou há 4 anos.

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