
Max Kostikov

IT voodoo

kostikov tem 0 patronos.


IT specialist with over 30 years experience.

Founder, owner and administrator of free Internet services

  • Zotum — Zot universum experimental hub is the Hubzilla powered communication service, part of the Fediverse.
  • box@tiksi — most northern free public e-mail service
  • net@tiksi — another Hubzilla instance

Commiter and one of developers of Hubzilla — a powerful platform for creating interconnected websites featuring a decentralized identity, communications, and permissions framework built using common webserver technology.

Author of IT voodoo blog.

Editor of "Tiksi, Artic. News" Fediverse news channel.

You can reach me via e-mail <>, Deltachat <> or in the Fediverse


kostikov entrou há 4 anos.

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